Family tragedy changes student’s career path

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利奥·阿尔瓦雷斯(Leo Alvarez)来到澳门受权博彩网站(Thomas University)获得学士学位,并在夜鹰男子足球队(Night Hawks)踢球. 起初,他不确定自己的专业和职业方向. During his sophomore year, 一场家庭悲剧最终变成了改变人生的事件,给了里奥他所需要的方向.

Leo Alvarez

Originally from Live Oak, Florida, 阿尔瓦雷斯记得,当他试图决定专业时,他与罗宾·德葆拉教授进行了一次对话. 起初,他考虑成为一名高中西班牙语教师和足球教练. Then everything in his world changed.

When Alvarez was a sophomore at TU, 他的几个直系亲属卷入了一场车祸,导致他3个月大的妹妹丧生. 除了处理失去妹妹的悲痛, 阿尔瓦雷斯也看到了这一损失对其他家庭成员的影响. 这次经历使他意识到心理健康的重要性. The oldest child in his family, 为了纪念他已故的妹妹,阿尔瓦雷斯受鼓舞回到了TU完成他的学位.

“It really motivated me,” he said. “That’s for sure. 这让我产生了一种想法,我必须为我妹妹做这件事来帮助别人. You don’t expect to lose your baby sister. You don’t wish it on anybody. You always expect the good, and that’s how life is. You never know what’s going to happen.”

阿尔瓦雷斯回到TU决心专注于他可以帮助别人的事业. 作为一名心理学专业的学生,他选修了几门由李博士教授的课程. Steve DePaola.

“小李子是少有的将自己的信念付诸实践并真正关心那些不幸的人的人之一,” Dr. DePaola said. “他是澳门受权博彩网站的一名优秀学生,在学术上很有天赋, 他将自己的知识和天赋运用到目前的工作环境中. Leo is leaving his mark there as he did at TU. 狮子座的突出之处在于他是一个真正关心他人的年轻人. 这种关怀从他的家人和朋友延伸到当地社区. 对狮子座来说,最高的个人价值优先于个人成就. His true passion involves helping all people.”

As a senior, 阿尔瓦雷斯利用了他与TU校友琳达·康蒂(Linda Conti)一起实习的经历, 西南乔治亚临终关怀医院的丧亲协调员, 他在哪里学会了与他人一起处理悲伤和丧亲之痛.

“Leo was engaged in the Hospice journey, and I wanted him to experience all the disciplines,” Conti said. “当医护人员为病人和家属服务时,他全身心地投入到他们的日常活动中. 他彬彬有礼的举止出乎我们的意料,总是让我们大吃一惊. 这个简单的举动充分说明了他的性格和家庭价值观.”

Conti continued, “当里奥和我们的牧师在一起时,一个意义深远的时刻发生了, David Cook, at the bedside of a patient. The family was Hispanic and spoke little English. Leo was ready to interpret a prayer for David. 大卫祷告完了,病人立刻死了. 大卫和利奥在生命的起点就在那里,这是两人都不会忘记的. 利奥能够安慰家人和配偶,并向他们讲述发生的事情. He explained the end-of-life process to them. 他还在殡仪馆和家人的过渡中提供了帮助.  David and Leo spent several hours with the family. 我们非常感谢利奥,因为他那天是正确的.”

尽管他于2019年毕业于理工大学,获得心理学学士学位, Alvarez keeps in touch with the DePaolas and Conti.

“I’m grateful for having the relationship I do with Dr. DePaola,” Alvarez said. “I can still reach out to him and Mrs. DePaola. He’s always giving me advice. He’s really my mentor when it comes to psychology. He tells me to be me. 当我有问题或任何事情时,他们总是在那里帮助我,给我建议. When I was in Thomasville, Ms. 琳达,她让我学了很多东西,也教会了我一些帮助我成长的东西.”

现在,阿尔瓦雷斯在佛罗里达州莱克城的子午线行为健康护理中心工作. His job requires him to work with several departments, which includes completing intake evaluations, 将客户端与社区内的其他资源连接起来, 协助护理协调并参与流动反应小组, 哪个急救中心可以帮助遇到精神健康危机的人. 阿尔瓦雷斯的工作需要接受如何处理各种情况和心理健康问题的培训.

“That’s why I like it,” he said. “Every day is different. 你永远不知道会发生什么,也不知道你会帮助谁.”

While Alvarez enjoys his current position, 他正在考虑攻读咨询硕士学位,成为一名咨询师. 目前,他专注于尽可能多地向同事学习.

“I want to keep working in mental health,” he said. “我只是想尽可能多地向任何人学习. 我想成为一个在任何情况下都能提供帮助的人.

“当客户进来时,我告诉他们,仅仅是进来寻求帮助就需要很大的勇气. When they come in, they’re nervous. They’ve never done this kind of thing before. The last thing they need is someone to judge them. 我所做的就是做我自己,倾听,让他们知道他们并不孤单. We’re going to help them get their life back on track.”

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